Best Games Like CallMyName for Android
궁금하면 타로, 궁타
0 Reviews
Specific advice about the present situation or the near future through the tarot and horoscope unfolded by the app guru -
Card Magic(find your card)
0 Reviews
simple explanation: You can find the card which your friends select in mind?! -
0 Reviews
Please save a friend whose name has been erased from the cursed school. -
Hopping Spider(호핑 스파이더)
0 Reviews
거미를 활용한 간단한 촬영 놀이 그리고 재미있는 연출을 제공합니다. (최초 1회 무료) -
카드 왕 지니(카드 마술)
0 Reviews
What if the "special genie" of your phone guesses the card you drew!? Let's surprise our friends
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