- android.permission.INTERNET
- android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS
- android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE
- android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
- android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
- android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
- android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
- com.android.vending.BILLING
- com.android.vending.CHECK_LICENSE
- android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
- com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE
- com.toccata.games.BraveRunGame.permission.C2D_MESSAGE
- android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
More Information
- Package Namecom.toccata.games.BraveRunGame
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.3.2+ (Gingerbread, API 9)
- Content RatingEveryone
- Architecturearmeabi-v7a
- Permissions
- Signatureb38301eab8c551d0eda523b3360ff51182be1be4
What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.8
Jul 4, 2016
v1.0.7 & 1.0.8:
- Fix a vulnerability issue in a 3rd-party library - Mobpub.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed a security flaw issue in a 3rd-party library.
- Fixed a bug in in app purchasing using Google In app billing API v3
- Supports Android 2.3.x
- Uses a new ad network with Privacy statement
* Built to fix the Google Play API complaint issues
v1.0.2 and v1.0.1
- Improved the animation and game speed
- Improved the game play.