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More Information
- Package Namechampion.gnuroot
- LanguagesEnglish 12
- Requires AndroidAndroid 1.6+ (Donut, API 4)
- Content RatingEveryone
- Architecturearmeabi,x86
- Permissions
- Signaturea59d5d55a6c66bdafbcd5bcfdf0588aa4f17a153
What's New in the Latest Version 0.1.5
Jul 29, 2015
Direct people to new version of GNURoot (called GNURoot Debian com.gnuroot.debian), which will take the place of GNURoot wheezy very soon and wheezyX shortly afterwards.
All Variants
armeabi, x86
Jul 29, 2015534.2 KBAndroid 1.6+