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1.91 by walterblack1122

Feb 4, 2023

About GPTZero (ChatGpt Checker)

GPTZero Best and Free android ChatGpt Checker App

As students continue to search for ways to protect their original content from being plagiarized, the GPTZero app is becoming an increasingly popular choice. This AI-powered writing assistant helps detect and prevent plagiarism in essays and other pieces of writing by comparing submitted material with existing content from across the web. In addition, it offers features such as text synthesis and voice copying so users can comfortably create their own work without worry of having their work stolen. With Microsoft's Azure OpenAI service integrated with the platform, accurate results can be produced every time.

What is GPTZero?

GPTZero is a powerful AI-based writing assistant that uses machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to look for similarities in content structure, length, tone and even style of writing between submitted essays or other written materials with existing content on the web.

Additionally, it provides features like text synthesis and voice copying which allow users to create their own original works without worrying about plagiarism. The tool comes with basic options for analyzing texts as well as more advanced features such as support for major languages like English, Spanish, German, French, Chinese etc., though its accuracy may vary according to language used.

GPTZero is a free open source artificial intelligence (AI) tool designed by Microsoft Research and University College London. This tool makes use of machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to detect any similarities between your essay or other written materials and those already published on the web. Alongside GPTZero, ChatGPT Checker is an AI-powered writing assistant that helps students detect and prevent plagiarism by using advanced algorithms to compare submitted essays with a dataset of existing content to detect any similarity. With the integration of Microsoft's Azure OpenAI service, reliable results are produced every time.

GPTZero is a revolutionary application designed to fight against AI plagiarism. Developed by OpenAI, this app can determine whether an essay was written by a human or ChatGPT, the AI-based writing service.

Using advanced algorithms, GPTZero can accurately detect if an essay has been written by ChatGPT or not. This allows students to be sure that their work is genuinely their own and not a copy of someone else's work. Furthermore, it ensures the integrity of all coursework submissions, protecting the privacy and academic standards of all participants.

Key Features Of ChatGPT Checker App

Accurate detection capabilities for detecting AI-based plagiarism

Voice copying and text synthesis features offer users convenience in creating unique content

Integration of Azure OpenAI offers reliable results supported by Microsoft

Easy to use interface with detailed feedback on detected matches

Automatic scanning mode allows users to check large batches of papers quickly

How To Use The App

Using the app is simple: simply upload your essay or other writing material you want checked for plagiarism on the website or mobile app, select the areas you would like analyzed — such as sentence length or structure — then wait until it finishes running its sophisticated algorithm competing against billions of documents from across the web. Once complete, users can then review detected matches within their document if any are found along with detailed feedback from GPTZero’s extensive database.


In conclusion, both GPTzero and ChatGPT Checker offer powerful yet easy-to-use tools that help students detect potential instances of plagiarism while making sure they're creating their own original works through convenient features like text synthesis and voice copying. With reliable performance backed up by Microsoft's Azure OpenAI service, this combination should prove invaluable in academic settings everywhere!

What's New in the Latest Version 1.91

Last updated on Feb 4, 2023

Minor bug fixes and improvements. Install or update to the newest version to check it out!

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Additional APP Information

Latest Version

Request GPTZero (ChatGpt Checker) Update 1.91

Uploaded by

Muhd Syauqie

Requires Android

Android 4.4+

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