If you are having a problem with installation, try to download APKPure App on your Android device to help you to install APK/XAPK files directly on your phone. Moreover, APKPure App can also find the best installation package to suit your device. Check FAQ to get more details.
Più informazioni
- Nome pacchettoit.lucci.cm.greyscaletheme
- È necessario AndroidAndroid 6.0+ (M, API 23)
- Classificazione dei contenutiEveryone
- Architetturauniversal
- Firmaebda9af681b37be26793b91c092e084b664eef72
Novità nell'ultima versione v15
May 30, 2017
r14 release
* Misc fixes
Check GitHub for full changelog.
Don't forget to reboot after update to fully apply the changes.
Download in corso
Greyscale - Tema per CM13 Download APK v15 (3.9 MB)
Se il download non parte, premi qui
All Variants
May 30, 20173.9 MBAndroid 6.0+