If you are having a problem with installation, try to download APKPure App on your Android device to help you to install APK/XAPK files directly on your phone. Moreover, APKPure App can also find the best installation package to suit your device. Check FAQ to get more details.
Più informazioni
- Nome pacchettonimue.apps.Hfree
- È necessario AndroidAndroid 1.6+ (Donut, API 4)
- Classificazione dei contenutiEveryone
- Architetturauniversal
- Firma1ede4b31913ae31014a87754d579400c60c8b1db
Novità nell'ultima versione 3.0
Aug 16, 2015
Implemented requested feature: If you select a session from the dropdown and click "get session", and you already have the selected session installed, then that session will be launched on your phone instead of taking you to its android market page.
Download in corso
Hypnosis - (Free) Relaxation Download APK 3.0 (16.5 MB)
Se il download non parte, premi qui
All Variants
Aug 16, 201516.5 MBAndroid 1.6+