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Più informazioni
- Nome pacchettocom.chovanec.life
- È necessario AndroidAndroid 2.2+ (Froyo, API 8)
- Classificazione dei contenutiEveryone
- Architetturauniversal
- Firmad6187ae4573544a5b5644ab22aa1b595bd2a180c
Novità nell'ultima versione 2.8
Apr 5, 2016
- Touch reaction bug fixed
+ Optimalization
+ On - Off lines render
(v 2.0)
+ Added background patterns
+ Added sount "tick" when you snap node (you can turn off: Snaping and sount independently)
(v 1.1)
+ Now you can select speed from three options
+ You can enable or disable touch reaction
(v 1.0)
+ First release
Download in corso
Life (Live Wallpaper) Download APK 2.8 (437.5 KB)
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All Variants
Apr 5, 2016437.5 KBAndroid 2.2+