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Più informazioni
- Nome pacchettocom.houseofslack.puzzlestrike
- È necessario AndroidAndroid 1.6+ (Donut, API 4)
- Classificazione dei contenutiEveryone
- Architetturauniversal
- Firma526d50f0581cc81f3a4e320f97705d7bfaf29897
Novità nell'ultima versione 1.6
Feb 4, 2016
1.7: Added new sorting options, corrected costs for Third Edition (and title of Chip Damage). New preferences to set if you are using third edition and what sorting method to use.
1.6: Added Shadows.
Download in corso
Puzzle Strike Shuffle Download APK 1.6 (46.0 KB)
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All Variants
Feb 4, 201646.0 KBAndroid 1.6+