
About Pepper Grinder

Pepper Grinder is an exciting pirate adventure featuring the main character Pepper, a passionate adventurer, and Grinder, a powerful drilling device.

After being shipwrecked and robbed of her treasure by the mischievous Narlings, Pepper must rely on her trusty sidearm, Grinder, to retrieve what was taken. With Grinder, Pepper can dig through terrain and water, control machines, and defeat enemies on her quest to recover her fortune.

However, Pepper's journey will not be easy, as mysterious creatures start to appear from the shadows.

Key Features:

  • Gritty Gameplay: Navigate through a vibrant and animated world with precise movements, fluid drilling, and thrilling jumps.
  • Thrilling Drilling: Use Grinder to dig through the environment and discover new drill bits that enhance your abilities, allowing you to solve complex puzzles.
  • Conquer & Collect: Gather jewels and other treasures throughout your adventure and exchange them at shops to upgrade Pepper's abilities, unlock new paths on the world map, and collect stickers for your sticker book.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with anything else, feel free to ask.

Official Pre-Register Page: https://www.peppergrindergame.com/

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