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7.0 by Classy eBooks

Aug 24, 2022

About Philosophy of the Human Mind

Read Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind by Thomas Brown with eReader!

The subject on which we are about to enter, and which is to engage, I trust, a considerable portion of your attention for many months, is the Philosophy of the Human Mind, - not that speculative and passive philosophy only, which inquires into the nature of our intellectual part, and the mysterious connexon of this with the body which it animates, but that practical science, which relates to the duties, and the hopes, and the great destiny of man, and which, even in analyzing the powers of his understanding, and tracing all the various modifications of which it is individually susceptible, views it chiefly as a general instrument of good - an instrument by which he may have the dignity of co-operating with his beneficent Creator, by Spreading to others the knowledge, and virtue, and happiness, which he is qualified at once to enjoy, and to diffuse.

content in the book are

I. Introduction

II Relation of the Philosophy of Mind to the Sciences in general

III. Relation of the Philosophy of Mind to the Intellectual Sciences and Arts,

IV Relation of the Philosophy of Mind to the Cultivation of Moral Feeling

V. On the Nature of Physical Inquiry in general

VII On Power, Cause, and Effect

VIII On Hypothesis and Theory

IX Recapitulation of the Four preceding Lectures

Application of the Laws of Physical Inquiry to the Study of Mind

X Continuation of the same Subject

On the Phenomena of Mind in General

On Consciousness,

On Mental Identity,

Identity irreconcilable with the Doctrine of Materialism

Distinction between Personal and Mental Identity

Shaftesbury's Opinion of Identity,

Objections to the Doctrine of Mental Identity

XIII On the Direct Evidence of Mental Identity

Objections answered

XIV Opinion of Mr Locke respecting Identity

Source of his Paradox respecting it

Reflections suggested by his Paradox

XVI On the Classification of the Phenomena of Mind

XVII On the External Affections of Mind, in general

On the less Definite External Affections

XVIII On the more Definite External Affections

XIX On the Corporeal Part of the Process, in Sensation,

XX. Particular Consideration of our Sensations,

On Smell,

On Taste,

On Hearing

and so on....

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Last updated on Aug 24, 2022

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